Saturday, April 6, 2013

How to make link (hyperlink) with HTML Code

make hyperlink for comment
This is my first post in this blog as I previously is writing on Indonesian language, here I would like to share my some knowledge to everybody regarding the blogging. Hope that will be helpful and give benefit to everybody that would like to know more about the blogging.
For this first post, I would like to share how to make a link (hyperlink) with the HTML code. I believe that most of senior blogger and HTML programmer understand the code, but for those new to blogging and not understand at all about the HTML programming, this is will be helpful.

This Link (Hyperlink) method will be very useful for those bloggers that would like to place their Blog or Website URL address into the comment box that allowed us to insert the HTML code what we called Blogwalking activities.
Blogwalking (write comments in other people blogs)  is one of the effective method to build more backlink to improve our SEO and promote our blog or website.

Here the method to insert HTML code for Hyperlink into Comment Box :
1. Write the comment into the comment box (remember to not write the spam comment)
2. Write the HTML code as below :
     <a href="">title/text</a>

    Remarks :
    Blue color is the Targeted URL address
    Red color is the Text or Title that you would like to show on the comment box.

    Example :
    <a href=""></a>

comment box with html hyperlink

Easy right?

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